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Two Part Polyurethane Foam 1kg (Part A)
Two Part Polyurethane Foam 1kg (Part A)
Price ex VAT: £16.28 1 kg

Flints supply the latest HCFC free system. The mix ratio is 1:1 by volume but the ISO component should be added to the RES component.

For best results: warm through, accurately measure and mechanically mix.

1 kg expands to approximately 1 cubic foot.


Foam: Part A
Size: 1 kg
Please Note: You will require equal amounts of part A & B.

  • Add the ISO component to the RES component.
  • The best way to mix is with a paint mixer on a drill for 20 seconds.
  • The foam will start to rise after 30-40 seconds and should be poured immediately.
  • Foam thicknesses should be limited to 150 mm for each pour.
  • If being used in a mould, use a soft wax release agent and ensure adequate vents to allow excess air or material to escape. Failure to do this could be dangerous.
  • Rise time: 180 sec.
  • The system is slightly more temperature sensitive than the old foams and they will cure best in temperatures up to 300 but temperatures below 180 could lead to a poor cure.
  • We recommend that the liquids are stored in a warm area for several hours prior to use to warm right through.

Fire Retardant Formula [BS4735 1974]